Marijuana benefits

How Cannabis Helps Treat PTSD

Confusing street signs

Trauma, and post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), may be experienced by anyone who suffers an accident, assault, injury, or is involved in a traumatic event. 

Healthcare professionals who treat PTSD victims use a variety of tools. One of the most effective forms of medication for treating PTSD symptoms is marijuana. In this blog, we will take a look at how cannabis helps relieve certain symptoms associated with this life-altering condition.

Jar of marijuana

Cannabinoids, PTSD, And Trauma Symptoms

Cannabinoids are the primary active ingredient in marijuana. These organic compounds are under study for many possible benefits. To understand how cannabinoids in marijuana might relieve some symptoms of PTSD, it’s important to understand trauma symptoms and how they can turn into PTSD. 

Symptoms of trauma can last until the individual has time to process the traumatic event. The length of time depends on the trauma and the individual. When therapies include marijuana, PTSD symptoms like the following may be lessened or shortened in duration.

Mood swings

Trauma victims may exhibit a short temper, uncontrollable outbursts, or self-destructive behavior, making their moods unpredictable. Using marijuana to seek relief from this symptom is not uncommon. Euphoric strains may lift sufferers out of a bad mood, and non-euphoric strains may help stabilize emotions. 


Trauma victims may suffer life-changing events. They may be faced with unfamiliar choices. Confusion is a normal symptom of trauma.

Confusing street signs

Some strains of marijuana, for PTSD symptoms like confusion, may help by aiding focus. Some patients may find relief from this symptom of PTSD with cannabinoids from specific strains only, like Sativa-dominant strains. 

Fear And Anxiety

Person drowning in fear and anxiety

Trauma and PTSD may make some sufferers prone to reacting with anxiety when faced with planning normal activities. They cannot forget the fear of the traumatic event, or diminish its importance. These feelings can result in withdrawal from social activities. 

Finding relief from these symptoms of PTSD with marijuana can be tricky. The euphoric effect of high-THC marijuana can make some people feel paranoid and others feel outgoing. CBD products that lack THC may be useful for some individuals, or they may not work at all. Finding the right balance of THC and CBD can be a trial-and-error process.

Sadness And Hopelessness 

It’s natural for traumatized individuals to experience sadness, especially if they are experiencing ongoing pain. They may even feel hopeless. This is a serious problem. These feelings are often cited in cases of self-harm

The euphoric and intoxicating effects of marijuana, for PTSD sufferers, can be particularly important. Using the right mood-boosting strain of cannabis may chase away sadness. This can lead to a more positive frame of mind and lessen feelings of hopelessness. For some sufferers of PTSD, cannabinoids in cannabis products may provide temporary relief.

Intrusive Thoughts And Memories

Sufferers of PTSD may experience intrusive thoughts and memories that trigger fear and anxiety.

Your body produces adrenaline during threats and stressful situations. When the incident is over, adrenaline levels drop. 

With PTSD, an intrusive thought may force the unwanted recall of a traumatic event, which may lead to more negative thoughts. This negative-feedback loop may make adrenalin levels skyrocket. The goal of using marijuana for PTSD symptom relief is to break this loop or reduce its duration. Marijuana may be able to do this by affecting memory recall processes.

The endocannabinoid system, or ECS, can influence memory recall. In a person suffering from PTSD, cannabinoids in marijuana may signal the ECS to break the negative-feedback loop by altering communication between the hippocampus and the amygdala.

Insomnia And Inability To Relax 

Intrusive thoughts may lead to insomnia and the inability to relax. For these symptoms of PTSD, marijuana with a high Indica content may work best. Some Indica strains are notorious for “couch lock,” for example. This type of strong relaxing effect may lead to drowsiness, allowing sleep to occur naturally.

Get Cannabis, Reduce Stress

If you suffer from PTSD or have someone you care for that experiences PTSD symptoms, it may be helpful to investigate cannabis further. You may qualify for a medical marijuana card, for example, that may ease restrictions in obtaining cannabis and cannabis products. Reach out to the professionals at AZ Marijuana cards and start getting the relief you need.

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